Monday, 22 August 2011


Hello everyone,
Well......what a busy month.....July passed in a blur, and I can only say, August is going the same way!
'Chaz The Friendly Crocodile' has excitingly been published and been endorsed by some amazingly important people. Miller and I are hoping that Chaz will do 'big' things to help children understand and appreciate their surroundings and local environment! To order your copy, please contact Miller direct at:
Also my Arty Monkeys workshops at Little Monkey Murals have been going down a storm.....we had a brilliant time, with super talented authors Lucy Daniel Raby, Giles Paley Phillips and Julian we wait excitedly and with baited breath, for the lovely Philippa Rae and to round off the Summer, the fab Ellie Sandall. For anyone who would like to come, the workshops start at 10am and end at 12.30pm, every Wednesday morning. For 7-11 years, but I have bucked the trend with a super 5 year old, there's something for everyone! Please contact Little Monkey murals for more details or check out their website:
Other than that, I've been working on some wonderful new illustrations, lots of Christmas (eek!!) cards, prototype toys and some cushion designs!
Ooooooh and my most thrilling news to date, is that I have been accepted into the Toymaker's Guild by unanimous decision. Quite an achievement for a handmade prototype designer (all submissions to the TMG need to have passed their safety tests) and I hope to gain access to lots of information, support and accreditation from this wonderful society! I'm chuffed to bits!
Lots more to tell......but it'll have to wait until my next update!
Have a great August!

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